If you'd like to use computer science to help mitigate climate change, then check out these resources:
If you know of other resources, then please add a comment below or, even better, submit a pull request to improve this list!
One quick rant: All the climate cares about is the scale of emissions reductions. For the climate to 'notice', we need to reduce emissions by at least a million tonnes of CO2e per year, and ideally billions of tonnes per year.
To achieve scale we need to jump over multiple hurdles:
Projects tend to attract most funding and media attention after completing a proof-of-concept. But we need to get all the way to the final step before we can be confident that a given intervention will actually reduce emissions at scale. The systems that we're trying to change (such as the energy system) are enormously complex. Demonstrating success in a small research setting does not guarantee success at scale (unfortunately!).
Good luck! It's gonna be tough. But we can't fail. To paraphrase Greta: If we fail, future generations will never forgive us. (Sorry to be so gloomy!)
But it's also technically exciting work (and actually quite good fun!) and there's a great community of people using computer science to mitigate climate change! So, dive in - we need your help!